What's New (1 January 1997)

Visual Thought is coming to Windows 95 and NT!
We invite you to participate in our early evaluation and purchase plan, which includes free use of the Visual Thought 1.3 pre-release until the commercial shipment.
Please contact Confluent for more information.

What's New (10 May 1996)

Visual Thought can export transparent GIF images for Web site development! Make a simple change to a configuration file to enable this!

What's New (26 April 1996)

Two new palettes are available for download from this Web site.

What's New (20 April 1996)

Confluent has released two more modules for the "plug-in" export facility in Visual Thought 1.2.

If you are a supported customer, please contact Confluent at info@confluent.com for a free set of plug-in translators for both the imagemap and the updated MIF export capabilities.

What's New (30 November 1995)

A white paper describing the benefits of Visual Thought for software developers is available on-line at this site. For the free printed copy (18 pages, illustrated), please send e-mail to info@confluent.com.

What's New (16 October 1995)

Visual Thought 1.2

Visual Thought 1.2 will begin shipping at the end of November, 1995. This version incorporates some of our customers' most-frequently-requested features, including:

For more information about this and future releases, please contact Confluent.

© 1996, 1997 Confluent, Inc. All rights reserved.

Confluent, Inc. * 400 Spear Street, Suite 207 * San Francisco, CA 94105
800-780-2838 and 415-764-1000 tel * 415-764-1008 fax * info@confluent.com

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